We are Chicken Rebels …
What the cluck?
The world’s #1 chicken website. Just ask our mom!

The years made us dissatisfied with our urban upbringing and led us to a serene country life, valleys, and vegetable patches. The chickens invited themselves to the party, adopted our farm, and have pretty much taken over–strutting about as if they own the place. Raising chickens transformed our life, as the hens offered companionship, fresh eggs, amusing tales, and deep thoughts on life and living.
Our experiences with these feathered friends inspired this website where we hope to bring you the warmth, humor, and sense of wonder that chickens brought to us. With every peck and cluck, you, as a member of our flock, can fuel your love for a simple, country life full of meaning.
– The Chicken Rebels
Freshly Laid Posts
Get the newest information on raising chickens and what’s going on in our coop!
What do Baby Chickens Eat?
We know this is one of the first questions people ask when thinking about becoming…
How Long Do Chickens Sit on Eggs?
If you’ve found yourself with a myriad of questions about hatching baby chicks, you’re not…
When do Baby Chickens Start Eating and Drinking?
Proper feeding of baby chickens, either ones who were hatched by a brooding hen or…
What to do After Chickens Hatch in an Incubator
At some point in your backyard chicken farming journey, you may decide to hatch your…
How to Tell Male and Female Chickens Apart
When you buy chicks, it’s impossible to tell if you’re buying male or female birds….
How to Raise Baby Chickens
Hatching and raising baby chicks, or as they are often referred to as chicks or…
How are Baby Chicks Made?
The Intricacies of Chicken Egg Fertilization We should have seen this question coming from a…
When Do Baby Chicks Chirp Inside the Egg?
I was walking past our incubator the other day and heard a little chirp. The…
How Long Should Chicks Stay in the Brooder?
Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of raising chicks! How long should chicks stay in the…
What Fruits Can You Feed Chickens?
One thing we’ve found when working with other backyard chicken farmers—those who raise chicks into…
What Vegetables Can You Feed Backyard Chickens?
We’re back with more questions about what you can and cannot feed chickens from your…
What Bugs Can You Feed Chickens?
I’m not going to lie; talking about bugs is not my favorite thing to do….
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